Sunday 15 October 2017

How to invoke vnc session

Vnc server software is used for invoke GUI display for linux\unix.

Once Vnc server installed on your server i will show how to connect vnc session form your windows using vnc viewer.

1.Login to the server where vnc got installed.

2.Set the vnc password using below command.

  [oracle@TEST1 ~]$ vncpasswd

Once you gave vncpasswd command it will ask password.

3.Run the below command for start new vnc session.

[oracle@TEST1 ~]$ vncserver

New 'TEST1:3 (oracle)' desktop is TEST1:3

Starting applications specified in /home/oracle/.vnc/xstartup
Log file is /home/oracle/.vnc/TEST1:3.log

4.Check the display id using below command.It will show the active seesions for vnc server.

[oracle@TEST1 ~]$ vncserver -list

TigerVNC server sessions:

:3              46056
:2              45738

Here we can two vnc sessions are running.Now i will show how to invoke GUI on display id 2.
download vnc viewer software.Once you installed click on vnc viewer.

connection string is servername:displayid. connect icon it will ask vnc password give the vnc password before you set.

6.Once you provided password it will show your vnc session.

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